Red Star ( Guilt )

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $15.00.

15ml Stock Remedy.



Botanical Name – Cryptanthus ‘Ruby’


+ On course. New directions in life. Traveling new roads based upon current plans, hopes & desires.

Negative – Guilt, Regret. 

– Remorse. A pivotal moment where your life took a new direction or a turn for the worse. Feeling guilty for what you did to make your life worse or regretting what you didn’t do to make your life better. Regretting that you missed-a-turn-in-the-road or that you didn’t take another path. Thinking you are disadvantaged due to missed opportunity.

Cause of Issue – Projection ( of Consciousness ).

The Botanical Archetype Cryptanthus relieves issues caused by a projection of your own consciousness.

Additional information

Weight 60 g
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 90 mm