Pineapple ~ Stage 1 Stress (of5)


15ml Stock Remedy.




Ananus comosus

Spiritual Lessons | Life Attitude to Adopt

“Stress in any area of life, affects the whole of life.”

  • ‘True Relaxation’. Resting down into the natural, life process and allowing this process to move you forward.
  • Honouring your natural design and the cycles of nature. Periodically returning to a natural state of rest, by default.
  • Spiritual progress is not achieved through ( internal, ego-driven ) pressure. ‘Fruit naturally ripens’.

Positive – Rested, Relaxed.

  • Relaxing. Having fun.
  • Casual. Adopting a more relaxed approach to life and being light-of-heart.
  • Reducing tension(s) in your mind through rest, passive mental states or meditation.
  • Looking for stress in any area of life affects the mind/body system. Removing from your life tension that is unsustainable, inefficient and weakens you.
  • Approaching life from a relaxed position, by default. Able to respond to problems as they arise instead of being stress-depleted before you even begin.

Negative – Serious ( Intense Focus ), Important ( Emotional Emphasis ).

  • Stage 1 Stress. Temporary stress that can build up if not addressed. ( see below )
  • Placing great importance ( emotional emphasis ) on things in your life. Pressuring yourself to support a growing list of important things.
  • Serious, all the time. Viewing life as a serious event.
  • Uptight because your mind is always ‘on’ or vigilant.
  • Sustained mental tension which mirrors in the physical body. Leading to a new set of health issues that reflect the imbalance, causing even more worry & stress.

Botanical Diagnosis | Cause of the Issue

  • Core Issue: Relaxation ( into the life process ) vs Stress ( Sustained Tension ) in the mind-body system.
  • The Pineapples are the relaxation flowers. They help to reduce stress and unwind ‘stress layers’ that mirror in your mind, body & life.
  • SeeSkyflowers: Pro System for more information about the 21 core issues and how to use flower remedies the way nature intended. Like a pro!

Key Words | Speech Patterns

  • Positive – ‘Relaxation, Relax, Relaxed Approach to Life, Casual, Care Free, Light Hearted, Laughter, Joke, Fun, Rest, Sleep, Weekend, Holiday, Vacation.
  • Negative – Serious, Pressure, Tense, Rat Race, Stress, Strain, Tightness, Stiff, Important, Serious, Stress Stage 1 Stress, Uptight, Tight Muscles, Rat Race, “9 to 5” Job.

Practitioner Notes ( Doctrine of Signatures )

The Pineapple is the most widely recognized of the Bromeliads because of its commercial value as a food crop. The name ‘Ananus’ is derived from the South American Indian word ‘na’, ‘na’. Which means the ‘sweet fragrance’ given off when the pineapples are ripe.

At one stage in history, the Pineapple was known as ‘the King of Fruits’ and cost ‘a kings ransom’ to hire ( yes, hire, not eat ) for dinner parties. This gesture of showing off ones wealth to honour guests became a symbol of welcoming.

As a food crop, Pineapples take 18 months to fruit. A whole year-and-a-half is a long time, indicating that its general properties revolve around patience, ‘slow progress’ and living life at a relaxed pace. In fact, these key signatures provide the best clue about how to approach life, the life process and spiritual development as a whole.

“You will ripen in your own sweet time”… ‘so don’t even try to rush the creative or process of your self development’.

  • You cannot make yourself ripen or achieve enlightenment, etc.
  • You can only participate in a slow ripening and fruition. This allows you to enjoy the many life experiences you have along the way!
  • Life moves at the pace of life. Spiritual unfoldment moves at the same gradual pace.

Medicinally, the Pineapple is well known for its anti-inflammatory, muscle-relaxing properties. Commercial medicine made from Pineapple can be purchased at any chemist under the name of ‘Bromelain’, a compound which is derived from the stem of the fruit. This widespread use is testimony to the highly medicinal value of Pineapple as a remedy for stress-related issues.

While the muscles are the target of such medicine, vibrational remedies made from Pineapple reduce stress from the inside. Such as mental tension ( seriousness, importance ) and emotional emphasis ( sustained pressure ) that mirrors in the mind/body system as muscular tension, etc.

In vibrational medicine, the Pineapple makes an amazing flower remedy because of these stress-reducing properties. They lift ‘whole layers-of-stress’ up and out of the system, not just individual ‘issues’.

  • The Pineapple is a ‘general tonic’ and is commonly used in combination flower remedies.
  • The Pineapple is one of the 3 ‘rescue flowers’. The Pineapple, Queens Tears & the flower of Calm are great in crisis situations.

The Pineapple Stress-Testing Kit & ‘Barometer of Stress’

There are 5 species of Pineapple in the Skyflowers range and each one is tuned to a different, ever increasing, stage of stress. Think of the Pineapples like a barometer that you can use to measure stress – from low stress to high.

For anyone interested in using the barometer, the Pineapple Stress-Testing Kit contains all 5 Pineapples in one package.

Kinesiologists, in particular, will find the Pineapples handy as one muscle test at the start of the consultation can ascertain current stress levels based on what Pineapple is indicated. Musclle testing against vibrational remedies is more accurate than ‘counting to 10’ or ‘percentage stress’ techniques because numbers are not directly tied to stress frequencies. Whereas, Pineapple flower remedies are very specific markers.

The Barometer / Stages of Stress (SOS)

Each Pineapple deals with a different level of stress and the problems that arise from increasing pressure in the mind/body system.

  1. The edible Pineapple, Ananus comosus, is associated with stage 1 or ‘temporary stress’ and is used for common, day-to-day issues. Such as when something happens in your day that cause your stress, fear or anger levels to temporarily spike. The remedy for this is take periodic rest breaks during the day, maybe have some fun and get some rest as a regular lifestyle habit. Ignoring this leads to stage 2 stress.
  2. Ornamental Pineapple, Ananus comosus. var bracteatus, indicates stage 2 of stress. Stage 2 is about addressing pressures before they mount up, conserving your energies during long activities and resting before ( not after ) you get tired. As life is a long, multi-stage event therefore you need to pace yourself. Ignoring the need to take regular breaks and wearing yourself out as a habit leads to the third stage of stress.
  3. Pygmy Pineapple, Ananus nanus, is indicated for stage 3 stress when pressure in the mind/body system has begun to rise. Like a thermometer rising toward boiling point as water begins to boil. This remedy signals the ‘midway point’ of the barometer when the warning light starts flashing. There is an urgent need to take action, de-pressurize from multiple issues, take time off and unwind. Otherwise stage 4 stress will occur if mental / emotional pressure continues to mount up and spill over into the physical body.
  4. Red Pineapple, Ananus macrodontes, marks the 4th stage of stress. The red color of this fruit is a sign of ‘intensity’ and a build up of pressure / energy in the mind/body system. The person is near boiling / breaking point and the manifestation of related distress symptoms has begun. A lifestyle change is the method of correcting these symptoms, while ignoring them leads to the 5th and final stage of stress.
  5. Spineless Pineapple, Ananus lucidus, marks stage 5(of5) stress & a system-wide breakdown ( dis-ease) that will manifest as a sign of long-term stress and pressure. Illness is natures way of forcing you to stop destructive habits, adjust your attitude toward life and choose to return to a more natural, harmonious way of life.

The Pineapples and the Pineapple Stress-Testing Kit will be covered in depth in the Skyflowers: Clinical Manuals.


  • Prescribed Rest, as part of your daily routine.
  • ‘Prescribed Rest’ is the practice of taking regular rest breaks. It is the discipline of ‘returning to a mental & physical rest state’ before tending to new tasks. This takes practice. Breaks in thinking ( mental focus ) are key.
  • When the Pineapple is indicated, it signals that stress has built up in the mind-body system and the pressure needs to be released. Stress reduction has become the priority and is the way for moving forward. I.e. Pushing or forcing things is counter-productive.
  • If you lead a busy lifestyle, break up your day with a variety of smaller tasks. ‘Rest’ does not means to take an hour-long siesta after every task. It means to ‘rest your thought process so that it does not tire’. Fresh energy comes from passive awareness and new lines of thought.
  • Holidays and long periods of vacation are beneficial but can indicate inefficiencies in your overall lifestyle. Create a lifestyle with smaller, regular rest periods each day instead of leaving it until the weekend to rest or taking holidays because you are exhausted or burnt out.

No Medical Claims Made. Always consult a registered health practitioner for medical advice.

Additional information

Weight 60 g
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 90 mm