Sacred Heart II, Red | Soul Contact 2


15ml Stock Remedy.



Red Sacred Heart

Ochagavia carnea

Soul contact. Connecting with ‘the real you’ and learning to live your life from that vantage point. Unveiling the Higher Self while shedding your ego’s disguises.

Positive – Discover, Reveal.

Authenticity. Uncovering fact. Unmasking the real you. Discovering a long, lost truth about you. Learning your innermost secrets. Living an authentic existence based upon your soul and the spirit of who you are.

Negative – Mask, Disguise.

Covering up. Hiding the truth about who you are. Manipulating information so that it translates as something else. Making a habit of playing with the facts. Unable to see the simple truth that is in front of you. Unable to respond to it also. Covering up reality by hiding it behind a fantasy. Unable to find simple answers to lifes question because you have hidden them from yourself. Ignoring present reality by drifting into a fantasy world of masks and illusions. Masking reality by painting a better picture than what is actually happening. Painting rainbows over disasters, problems over opportunities, etc. Disguising your behaviour so it appears healthy, good or productive. Manipulating or twisting facts so that you appear to be a good person. Unable to see your own behaviour for what it is. Blind to the truth because you don’t wish to see it and have hidden it from yourself.

Pro System

  • Cause of the Problem – Alienation ( Loss of Self ) The Botanical Archetype Ochagavia is for issues revolving around a disconnection from your true self.
  • The Ochagavia’s relieve issues caused by the ego, la faulty self image & istening to head talk.
  • SeeSkyflowers: Pro System for more information about the 21 plant groups.


  • Like the Pink Sacred Heart, The Red Sacred Heart is for “soul contact’ and leading a soulful life.
  • The Red Sacred Heart helps you to look at your life through the eyes of the soul. As opposed to “the eyes of the ego”, which is a very different perspective.
  • The flower is for “grounding”. Which is the realization that you are, always have been & will be, “grounded in the spirit”. I.e. Your spirit. And the spirit of life. As opposed to being grounded in the “surface mind” of ego & its stories.
  • The flower dispels one of the greatest illusions of all. The idea that “you have lost contact with your true / higher self & need to (re)connect to your soul.” This is nonsense. If you suffer from this ( ego ) idea, ask yourself, “how did you achieve this monumental feat”? By listening to a faulty self image & head talk that’s how!
  • The Red Sacred Heart is for connecting to the real story of your life. And dispelling the idea that your “spiritual path” is a tight rope of perfect thoughts & actions. It installs the idea that you are here to follow “the path of your personality” and the road you are free to travel.


  • The “spiritual quest” is really an “ego quest” to “fix, heal & improve yourself.” It’s a “fools quest” to “fix a perfect soul” and is motivated by a faulty self ( ego ) image. I.e. You are the higher self, so get on with living like you are.
  • Stop trying to “connect” to your true self or looking for yourself. You can’t be more connected to your soul, spirit than you already are.
  • “Soul contact”, “soul activation”, etc are redundant pursuits. Realizing that you are already in contact & your soul is already activated. What motivates these ( fundamentally self-centered ) pursuits is an ego that cannot see your totality, essence or spirit & therefore misreports who you are.
  • “Soul realization” is the spirit made real through physical action. So #LetFly!
  • Spirituality is about “living a spirited life”, not spending your whole life in a self-focused, self-absorbed & self-ish pursuit. You will “find yourself” through your actions. Particularly your service to others.

Pro Tip

There are three Sacred Heart remedies. Which on should you use?

  1. Pink Sacred Heart is for passive issues. It is for the unintentional loss of self that comes by listening to your ego. It begins the process of “soul contact”.
  2. Red Sacred Heart is for active deceit. It is for the intentional hiding from yourself, masking your real motivations, etc. It exposes some very hard-to-accept truths.
  3. Rose Sacred Heart is for past, long-term deceit. It is for the process of purification and ‘paying off your debts’ through service to others, society or your higher calling.

Final Thoughts.

There are two paths in life. Be careful which one you decide to travel.

  1. The journey “from flaw to perfection.” This false path is endless, fruitless and exhausting & cultivates ( self focus ) self-ishness.
  2. The experience of “perfection to expression”. This is the path you were designed for. Pouring forth your spirit on the world & shining your light on the life of others.

Choose wisely.

Additional information

Weight 60 g
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 90 mm