Carpet Bromeliad | 15ml Remedy


15ml Stock Remedy.



Botanical Name – Abromitiella brevifolia

Positive – Manageable, In Control.

Harnessing your mind and your imagination. Placing limits on creative ideas. Keep yourself in check and matching your plans to current, tangible reality. Knowing when to quit ‘planning’ and when to start ‘doing’. Getting ‘out of your head’ and stepping into the real world of tangible action. Stapling your plans to a calendar and setting firm dates for your ideas. Taking action on your ideas. Turning an idea into a reality. Discarding mental clutter if you are not prepared to act upon it so as to keep your mind free, clear and present. Wary of the fact that ‘the mind has no walls’ and that you can easily get lost in a mental maze of fantasy.

Negative – Unmanageable, Out of Control.

Suffering from a wild imagination that is out of sync with present reality. Swept up in endless fantasy, plans, goals or creative ideas. Mesmerized by the mind and what you can create with it. Never really creating anything in a tangible sense. A relentless pursuit of goals, dreams and plans without a clue that the constant stream of mental apparitions may be getting in the way of you physically achieving them. Reality that is swallowed up by your imagination. Wild ideas that have taken control of your life. Great ideas, big plans and amazing goals that inspire your actions regardless of whether they suit your current plans or lifestyle. Uncontrolled creativity to the point you have become a slave to your own mental creativity’. ‘Rampant dreams’ that cause you to lose touch with present reality ( and your ability to create or build that lifestyle. ) A wild imagination that has overgrown actual reality. Mentally out-of-control but blind to it. The endless pursuit of endless ideas. A mind that floods the body with unreal stimuli. Virulent.

Cause of Issue – Under Research.
The Botanical Archetype Deuterochonia is still under research.

Additional information

Weight 60 g
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 90 mm